Barnstead GenPure Series Water Purification Systems
    | High capacity ultrapure water from a pretreated source.
The Barnstead Genpure series systems provide high quality laboratory water from pretreated water. These include the GenPure GenPure Pro and Genpure XCAD lab Water systems. All three of these series are available as a basic version low organic version pyrogen free version or an ultrapure low organic/pyrogen free system. The Barnstead GenPure offers outstanding control high-precision and USP-complying conductivity measurement with temperature compensation that can be switched on or off. The Barnstead GenPure system delivers ultrapure water with consistent quality for the most demanding and sensitive applications. Genpure systems come with filters. Replacement Filters Operating Manual These systems replaced the Barnstead Nanopure Diamond systems. |
Discontinued Items - Filters, Operation Manuals and Parts may still be available.
Click catalog number for more info
50131211 - Barnstead GenPure
50131229 - Barnstead GenPure UV TOC
50131235 - Barnstead GenPure UF
50131243 - Barnstead GenPure UV
50131954 - Barnstead GenPure Pro UF
50136165 - Barnstead GenPure with Wall Mount x-CAD Plus