302315111 3 ft. Purifier Logic+ Class II Type A2 Biosafety Cabinet with 10 in. sash opening with a right-side mounted factory-installed service fixture - UV lamp with timer - right-side wall Vacu-Pass Portal - factory installed Ventus canopy kit and with unass

302315111 3 ft.  Purifier Logic+ Class II Type A2 Biosafety Cabinet with 10 in.  sash opening with a right-side mounted factory-installed service fixture -  UV lamp with timer -  right-side wall Vacu-Pass Portal -  factory installed Ventus canopy kit and with unass
3 ft. Purifier Logic+ Class II Type A2 Biosafety Cabinet with 10 in. sash opening with a right-side mounted factory-installed service fixture - UV lamp with timer - right-side wall Vacu-Pass Portal - factory installed Ventus canopy kit and with unassembled base st
Retail Price US$15,580.00
Today's PriceUS$14,022.00
Catalog ID302315111
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